Pathology is a branch of medicine that deals with the precise study and diagnosis of human disease. It bridges the clinical and non-clinical subjects making Pathology an essential member of the treatment team. Here we engage the students in applying their knowledge of the mechanism of disease to diagnose, prevent and treat the patient. The pathology teaching sessions are a mix of both theoretical and practical classes where students have an opportunity to observe and participate in the diagnosis of patients admitted to the wards.
The department has four full-fledged working sections, Microbiology, Histopathology, Hematology, and Chemical Pathology. Research, education, and clinical activities are conducted in cooperation with other clinical departments. The department has maintained more than 95% of the pass percentage for the last 5 Years. Our department is well equipped according to the latest standards of PMDC. Attached to the department are four clinical labs for each sub-sections of Pathology with qualified experienced and dedicated staff providing the quality facility of diagnostic tests to Indoor and Outdoor patients of AMTH.
The objective of the Pathology department is to provide the students basic knowledge of disease to understand specific diseases. Our mission is to provide a stimulating learning environment that is enhanced by research procedures.