Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC)

Addresses all counseling needs and ensure that RKMC students needs are met through latest innovative and collaborative counseling and therapeutic approaches through student counseling sessions
Providing entire RLMC student community with psychological skills to deal with their educational, emotional, psychological and family issues.

The responsibility of the counselors will be to:

1. Listen, encourage and empathize with the students to see their issues more clearly or in a different perspective.
2. Help the students to understand themselves better and find their own solutions to resolve or cope with their situations.
3. Provide enabling environment to solve the problems.
4. Be pivotal to empower them to unleash their hidden potentials and capabilities.
5. Have an open door policy during the office hours. However they will be available round the clock in circumstances of need.
6. Maintain complete confidentiality except under extraordinary circumstances like self mutilating behavior, suicidal tendencies and threat to life and property.
7. Ensure availability and easy access of mental health professionals when so needed.

Student counseling sessions at CWC:

Counselor should be able to redress his/her issues regarding
1. Studies (decision making, exam anxiety, fear of authority)
2. Relationship and partner conflicts, problems finding partners.
3. Isolation and social phobias.
4. Separation from parents, new orientation.
5. Depression, anxiety, self-harming behavior, suicidal tendencies, psychosomatic ailments, eating disorders, compulsive disorders.
6. Addictions (e.g. drugs, gambling, computer or internet addictions)
7. Integration of international students
8. Any other issue.

Implementation of the policy:

Psychological wellness center
a. Director
b. Co-Director
c. Members

Prof. Nashi Khan Director Psychology
Prof. Usman Amin Hotiana Co-Director Psychiatry
Ms. Mahrukh Mumtaz Co-Director Psychiatry
Dr. Unaiza Member Behavioral Sciences